Your Personal Plan To Quit Smoking In Just 30 Days

Your Personal Plan To Quit Smoking In Just 30 Days

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Your Personal Plan To Quit Smoking In Just 30 Days

The first 30 days as an ex-smoker 제천타이마사지 are the hardest. You have a lot of hardship to cope with. If you make it through the first 30 days, it will get easier from that point on. Let’s take a
look at a “plan of attack” to help you quit smoking in just 30 days. There are a few elements:

* a well devised plan (very necessary)
* a few aids (not necessary)
* a lot of motivation (very necessary)

Let’s talk about each one of them:

The plan:

You need to plan exactly what you schedule will be and what activities you plan on having during these next 30 days. This is critically important because you want to insure that there are as little surprises and stressful events as possible. Every time you go through stressful event you are at risk to start smoking again. Also, do not plan any diet or other radical life style changes during this month. You will have enough to deal with as it is, wouldn’t you?

You should also plan special time to exercise, do breathing exercises and sleep properly ( you can’t smoke while you sleep). The next thing to do in your plan is to get all the help you can get during this month. To do that you can:

* Ask your friend and family to help you quit smoking. Ask them to watch over you and make sure you are not tempted to smoke.

* Hang reminders at your computer, 원주타이마사지 bathroom, kitchen etc. telling you that you are now an ex-smoker.

* Through away all Tobacco products. This seems obvious, but many smokers who try to quit still keep a cigarette stash somewhere in case they’ll need it…don’t be one of them.

* Try not to drink any alcohol during this month. That’s because we don’t want your will power and your judgement to weaken, which tends to be the case when you drink.

OK, so now that we have a plan, let’s look at some other ingredients:

Stop smoking aids:

There are a few stop smoking aids that were proven effective. The medicine called Zyban is an effective craving reducer (need prescription). There are also many herbal replacements to Zyban that do not require prescription. Other methods are the shots and the laser treatment. All good methods, but quit pricey. Using these aids might help, but it can’t replace your will power.

You will power and motivation:

An absolute must have. You won’t make it without a true desire to quit smoking. You really must find that desire within you. Your life will be so much better after you quit smoking, and you must find that desire for life and health.

That’s it. Your complete battle-plan for your first 30 days as an ex-smoker. So now that you have 충주타이마사지 it, it’s totally up to you. Good luck!


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